Check out the full interview with Emanuel Loarca below...
I was contacted by my dear Friend Laura Isabel Figueroa, the writer, about a coaching sessions regarding the poem My Little Girl. Her plan was to record the recital and posted it on line. But when I read it, I fall in love with it and suggested to turn it into a short film instead. I’m so happy she said yes.
I grew up between Guatemala and New York. My favorite pastime was to direct my friends and create smalls scenes for the adults to enjoy. I always wanted to be a director/actor even before I knew the names for it. I remember watching this movie called the Prince and Princess of central Park, about two orphan kids that leave in Central Park in NY. I was mesmerized by the story and the snow, not knowing we would end up moving to New York where both of those dreams came true.
So many. Jayro Bustamente, Pedro Almodovar, Joe Wright, J.A Bayona to name a few. Right now my favorite movie is Society of the Snow.
From an early age. Couldn’t pursue it until I was 17 because my religious family didn’t allowed me to.
Budget. I guess that’s the popular answer for all of us. And finding the right team to make your vision a reality.
I got really lucky because my beautiful and talented friends decided to join us in this journey. We needed to shoot it before the location/house was sold so we had to shoot everything in a day and a half. But, there was a lot of magic in the process and everything just kept falling into place.
I’m very grateful the audience reviews have been phenomenal. It’s amazing to see how the message of love and hope comes across. It’s been an amazing ride so far.
I believe every generation has their vision and style. And as they say, you have to know the rules to be able to break them. But the classics are the classics for a reason.
I love film festivals you always get to see interesting creations the main stream are not to fund us. You get exposed to different visions, stories, actors and of course different ways of film making. I wish I knew how to get the most of them, that’s a good question. However I found that seeing everyone’s work is enriching, you get to see what works and what doesn’t. Either way one learns get inspired.
Right now I’m working on getting the budget for my first feature film Abuelita de Mis Amores. (My lovely Granma) a comedy based on a true story. As well as finishing my second short film From This Day On.

Thank you for this inspiring interview and for taking the time to honestly answer all the questions. The BIA team wishes you great success with your next projects!