Check out the full interview with Kendrick below...
This project is a more flushed out idea, from a concept I created several years ago. The main character is living his life, trying to do the right things, and treat people good. Unfortunately, he always ends up having bad days. I drew from that original concept, and developed it more, and my current project was born.
I’ve always been a little different, even from childhood. I wasn’t into the same things as other kids liked. I enjoyed comic books, cartoons, anime, things like that, long before it was cool. I enjoyed geek culture before it was officially a thing. I watched so many movies from the time I was a kid. What encouraged or influenced me to investigate acting, was watching a featurette on Batman Forever when I was 17 years old.
The directors who inspired me would be Joe Johnston; he does period pieces really well. Sammo Hung is amazing in how he crafts a great action film. Favorite movie? I don’t have a favorite movie. I have favorite movies, (laughs) Because of my martial arts background, I’m extremely partial to martial arts action film. Some of my favorites would be The Raid Redemption, and The John Wick Film Franchise.
Yes, I’d say that happened when I created my 1st short film. It gave me the opportunity to tell a story, implementing the elements that I enjoyed in life and film. Martial arts and comedy, while trying to incorporate a positive message or theme.
The biggest challenges I faced in making this film were finding people to make the commitment to participate. Several people initially agreed but ultimately backed out. Also, because I love what I do and am passionate about it. Finding people who share your passion and are willing to put in the work in conjunction with the passion was difficult at time. Still, thank God, it all came together very nicely and I’m so grateful.
There was an actress that was initially supposed to participate. She ultimately backed out because of another commitment, I’d film some footage that included dialogue with her, and had to remove it in post, and change the story, but it worked out and wasn’t too big of a deal.
I’m not really sure. I’ve shown the film to a few people, and it’s generally been well received. The film has been awarded official selection in several festivals, received nominations in 2 festivals, and was awarded a festival winner 4 times, so I believe that’s a good sign that an audience somewhere enjoy it, thank God. (laughs)
I absolutely believe that film festivals are playing an important role in the film industry. Film Festivals like The Barcelona Indie Awards are necessary because they give filmmakers and creatives the opportunity to get eyes and exposure on our work. You get the most out of Film Festivals by entering as many reputable festivals as possible or as your budget allows. People won’t know your work exists, if you don’t put it out there.
I plan to continue creating films in the theme and genre that I enjoy. I also plan to continue entering Film Festivals Like the Barcelona Indie Awards, in an effort to show my work to the world and gain the attention and support of those who enjoy the genre that I contribute to.

Thank you for this inspiring interview and for taking the time to honestly answer all the questions. The BIA team wishes you great success with your next projects!